2 min read
Push out your payoff
How much time do you spend thinking about the future? How far out are you thinking? An interesting study on mental time travel1, discovered that, on...
2 min read
How much time do you spend thinking about the future? How far out are you thinking? An interesting study on mental time travel1, discovered that, on...
6 min read
People are leaving traditional employment in droves. Here are three reasons to go consulting - and how to get it right.
1 min read
Influencer marketing is the most popular guerrilla marketing strategy of the last ten years. In 2018, 81% of marketers reported that influencer...
2 min read
Have you ever heard that cliché about the janitor at NASA? You know, the guy who knew his job was putting astronauts on the moon? Like most...
2 min read
In May 2015, a Time magazine headline captured global attention: ‘You Now Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish!’
1 min read
Today, the Eiffel Tower is a global icon synonymous with Paris and its allure. But it wasn't always that way. During the tower's construction, many...
1 min read
There are four reasons why strategy implementation is so difficult: we get stuck on details, work in silos, go too slow and are scared of the...
2 min read
My middle child is a bit of a sage. Since she was little, she’s habitually said profound things that make you look at her sideways. In the way that...
2 min read
ATMs and Strategy When ATMs were first rolled out, economists, politicians, and the media panicked. Automation was to rob bank tellers of their jobs!...
1 min read
1. Clarity is the product of confusion. You don't understand what really matters until you've been distracted by the things that don't. You don't...
2 min read
It's conference season, and I've been a busy girl the last few weeks, hitting stages on both sides of the Tasman.
2 min read
This newsletter is brought to you by Not An MBA, the accelerated executive leadership programme that transforms your life and work in just eight...
2 min read
With parenting, it’s what we do that counts, not what we say. When my two eldest girls reached 7 and 11, I decided to institute a more formal...
3 min read
We get a bonus "weekend" day this week. You might be tempted to treat it as a normal Monday, because what even are public holidays right now? Or, you...
7 min read
In this article Your 4 minute strategy MBA We are all strategists 15 tell-tale signs of a strategist
1 min read
Making your thinking meaningful to others is one of the most important steps in driving new behaviours. A bit like election promises, strategy and...
2 min read
On Thursday night, I received the final proof of my new book, ready to go to print on Friday morning. I scanned over the cover, checked the layout...
1 min read
What problems are you battling with right now? If it's one of these three things, I have some useful stuff that might help.
3 min read
Being a person is pretty scary, to be honest. If you're a mildly anxious human like me, you might face a frequent war with your brain as it churns...
1 min read
We're hearing the phrase “new normal” a lot this week. That’s a funny one isn’t it. I’ve never been much of a fan of normal… but this week, I get it....
1 min read
What are you tangled up in knots about right now? I bet you've got a decision weighing on you. Whether it's a job offer, a location change, a...