5 min read
Stay alive in 2025: Why strategy is a survival skill this year
Winging it is a death wish in 2025. If you don’t know what you want, the next 10 months are going to swallow you whole. Never fear: strategy will...
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5 min read
Winging it is a death wish in 2025. If you don’t know what you want, the next 10 months are going to swallow you whole. Never fear: strategy will...
3 min read
I love a good argument, especially as part of a strategic planning process. In a good argument, everyone’s point of view is fully and respectfully...
2 min read
The minimalism bug bit me over the break. I threw out, donated, or sold hundreds of household items - clothing, furniture, kitchen implements,...
4 min read
Sometimes, the world spins wildly out of your control, and you forget you have control of your life. Here are ten things you can take charge of right...
2 min read
Have you ever had one of those ‘practice what you preach’ moments? Where you realise you need to walk the talk to have any impact? I have those...
1 min read
Don't let trivial shit hijack your potential for a brilliant life. It's one thing to get clear on your most important priorities and zero in on your...
2 min read
I read this little anecdote by Donald Miller a few years ago, and it’s always stayed with me:
2 min read
In May 2015, a Time magazine headline captured global attention: ‘You Now Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish!’
1 min read
What problems are you battling with right now? If it's one of these three things, I have some useful stuff that might help.
1 min read
Man, I get sick of people talking sh*t. To be fair, it’s an occupational hazard. I run strategy and leadership workshops, where people are used to...
1 min read
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that priorities shift. As we returned to our homes, spent more time with our families, watched our health more...
1 min read
When I was a broke student and single mum, I remember doing countless household budgets to try and keep on top of things. I’d put the ideal budget...
2 min read
I had a minor mutiny on my hands last week. I got so little “work” done in the last two weeks that my long-suffering Business Manager Diane revolted....
3 min read
Here's something strategists know that not everyone else does: you can have literally anything you want, at work, home or in your life. Nothing is...
3 min read
It's the most... overwhelming... time of the yeeear. 🎶
1 min read
What problems are you battling with this week? If it's one of these three things, I have some stuff that might help.
2 min read
Little known fact: the more specific you are about what you want, what you'll do, and what you won't do, the more likely you are to get it. When you...
4 min read
In this article: How to run a great strategic check-in Free template for a 2-day strategy session Strategies are great, and 3-5 year plans are...
5 min read
There’s no way of knowing what’s coming next in your life - after the last few years, nothing would be a surprise! But there are plenty of things you...
4 min read
Last week I talked about the importance of putting first things first, to prioritise progress. But here’s the thing with priorities. Setting them is...
2 min read
I’ve always been close with my Nanna. I’ve turned to her a lot over the years as I’ve juggled kids, work, study, friends, relationships and...
2 min read
I’ve been a productivity nerd since day one. So much so, that I spent the summer between my first and second year at university reading books about...
1 min read
I recently facilitated a workshop session requiring attendees to link our discussion to the organisation’s strategic objectives. The results were...