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5 min read

Stay alive in 2025: Why strategy is a survival skill this year

Winging it is a death wish in 2025. If you don’t know what you want, the next 10 months are going to swallow you whole. Never fear: strategy will...

3 min read

Are you having the wrong argument? The value of focus

I love a good argument, especially as part of a strategic planning process. In a good argument, everyone’s point of view is fully and respectfully...

2 min read

So nothing right now

The minimalism bug bit me over the break. I threw out, donated, or sold hundreds of household items - clothing, furniture, kitchen implements,...

4 min read

10 ways to take control of your life

Sometimes, the world spins wildly out of your control, and you forget you have control of your life. Here are ten things you can take charge of right...

2 min read

How to walk the talk

Have you ever had one of those ‘practice what you preach’ moments? Where you realise you need to walk the talk to have any impact? I have those...

1 min read

How to deal with all that pesky sh*t in your life

Don't let trivial shit hijack your potential for a brilliant life. It's one thing to get clear on your most important priorities and zero in on your...

2 min read

Boost your focus: reclaim your attention in a digital world

In May 2015, a Time magazine headline captured global attention: ‘You Now Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish!’

1 min read

Pick your path: stress, guilt, fear

What problems are you battling with right now? If it's one of these three things, I have some useful stuff that might help.

1 min read

How to tame talkfests: focus prompts for frustrated facilitators

Man, I get sick of people talking sh*t. To be fair, it’s an occupational hazard. I run strategy and leadership workshops, where people are used to...

1 min read

Freshen up your focus

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that priorities shift. As we returned to our homes, spent more time with our families, watched our health more...

1 min read

Go off plan but stay on strategy

When I was a broke student and single mum, I remember doing countless household budgets to try and keep on top of things. I’d put the ideal budget...

2 min read

Focus - to have, to do, or to be.

I had a minor mutiny on my hands last week. I got so little “work” done in the last two weeks that my long-suffering Business Manager Diane revolted....

3 min read

Strategists get whatever they want

Here's something strategists know that not everyone else does: you can have literally anything you want, at work, home or in your life. Nothing is...

3 min read

How to get on top of your stupidly long list

It's the most... overwhelming... time of the yeeear. 🎶

1 min read

Pick your path: boundaries, decisions, focus

What problems are you battling with this week? If it's one of these three things, I have some stuff that might help.

2 min read

Don't be afraid to narrow down

Little known fact: the more specific you are about what you want, what you'll do, and what you won't do, the more likely you are to get it. When you...

4 min read

Nail your next 8 weeks: how to keep strategy alive

In this article: How to run a great strategic check-in Free template for a 2-day strategy session Strategies are great, and 3-5 year plans are...

5 min read

10 ways to take charge of your life

There’s no way of knowing what’s coming next in your life - after the last few years, nothing would be a surprise! But there are plenty of things you...

4 min read

Say no nicely: challenging conversations

Last week I talked about the importance of putting first things first, to prioritise progress. But here’s the thing with priorities. Setting them is...

2 min read

How to focus more clearly

I’ve always been close with my Nanna. I’ve turned to her a lot over the years as I’ve juggled kids, work, study, friends, relationships and...

2 min read

First things first: prioritise progress

I’ve been a productivity nerd since day one. So much so, that I spent the summer between my first and second year at university reading books about...

1 min read

If everything is a priority, nothing really is

I recently facilitated a workshop session requiring attendees to link our discussion to the organisation’s strategic objectives. The results were...