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Like it or not, you're in sales: here's a new framework
Everyone's in sales Sales isn't sleazy Sales is about care Improve your skills.
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3 min read
Everyone's in sales Sales isn't sleazy Sales is about care Improve your skills.
1 min read
I teach two-day workshops and eight-week courses on how to be more strategic. I've written you three books on the topic. But you're busy, and you...
4 min read
Many of us have the wrong idea about strategy. We think it's about workshops and documents and then struggle to understand why everyone's still doing...
1 min read
Much of my stress comes from work—or at least, that's where I choose to experience it. And I'm my own boss, doing whatever I want! I can only begin...
3 min read
When the task obstructs the goal Here's a little vignette from my life last week, juggling work, kids, and clients.
4 min read
In this post: It's hard to lead when you're worried It's OK if you're feeling worried Five things you can do. It's hard to lead when you're worried...
2 min read
Making decisions is hard work. It’s hard enough to make choices for yourself - bring other people into the mix, and it can seem impossible. How do...
3 min read
It's the most... overwhelming... time of the yeeear. 🎶
1 min read
Last week, I sent you a 4-minute strategy breakdown from a recorded webinar - about what strategy is, and how it works. You flooded our inbox with...
Here's a four-minute strategy breakdown from a recorded webinar—what and how strategy works. If four minutes is too long, here's the sub-100-word...
2 min read
Your peer group will shape you Choose a new normal Be a freak of nurture. Your peer group will shape you The company you keep will shape your life...
6 min read
Why do people get jealous when you shine? This week, I got a message from a follower on LinkedIn.
4 min read
The unhelpful pressure of a master plan Navigation needs a starting point Get perspective on your past Set your future compass Take the next right...
6 min read
Why you need to pay yourself first My experiment with sequencing Useful strategies for your life An important disclaimer. Why You Need to Pay...
5 min read
My first business was cleaning houses at 17 Me, aged 18, with my baby daughter
7 min read
Backache Signs you're an AHA My one question for you A prescription for change. Backache Two weeks ago, I pulled three 16+ hour days in a row. I...
1 min read
What would you do for free? What are your favourite household jobs? A useful reminder, in case you're doubting yourself What I'd do for free I've...
1 min read
In an old Buddhist parable, a man is trapped on one side of a rushing river. On this side of the river, there is great danger and uncertainty; on the...
3 min read
"Why am I like this?!" is a bit of a catchphrase in my house. Usually, I’m bemoaning something I’ve stuffed up. Either I’ve messed up my admin,...
12 min read
It's hard to set boundaries. We don't want to let people down or look bad. But when we refuse to draw a line in the sand about what we will and won't...
1 min read
The number one complaint I hear from senior public leaders is about time—or a lack thereof. This isn’t really about time, of course, but space. There...
2 min read
I went to a blacksmiths festival recently. It's a bit out of the ordinary for my general weekend entertainment, but talk about impressive! It’s...
2 min read
I ran a programme with the senior leadership team at Christchurch City Council about five years ago. One thing I noticed about how GMs communicated...