
Articles and think pieces on life, work and leadership. Subscribe for more.


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5 min read

Get out of the way: your future is inevitable

My 8 year old waffle chef What if you're the barrier? A new approach to achieving your goals.

1 min read

Just keep going

It’s hard to stick to new stuff. We sign up to new things all the time – fitness regimes, ideas, podcasts, committees – and the initial burst of...

4 min read

10 ways to take control of your life

Sometimes, the world spins wildly out of your control, and you forget you have control of your life. Here are ten things you can take charge of right...

1 min read

Fear breeds complexity: simplify the public sector

The Global Simplicity Index tells us that, in the private sector, simplicity pays. The majority of consumers will spend more, for an easy customer...

1 min read

The consequences of your commitment

Are you struggling to make progress on the most important things to you?

2 min read

How to ask bigger questions

Most meetings and workshops are a waste of time. They're full of people resolving trivial issues that could be handled by email or delegation with...

5 min read

Are you impatient? manage daily annoyances with 4 key strategy skills

In this post Four ways to help you calm your impatient farm: 1. Go back to the future. 2. Get some distance. 3. Remember why. 4. Quit everything. Do...

3 min read

Unwinnable games

On Sunday, I got busy organising and optimising for a packed week. Between school runs, home maintenance disasters, travel and work, I knew I was in...

1 min read

Stop being a hero

I used to think I was a bit of a hero—I was even proud of it. Beating the odds, I shifted my life story from high school dropout, teen mum, and...

2 min read

How to walk the talk

Have you ever had one of those ‘practice what you preach’ moments? Where you realise you need to walk the talk to have any impact? I have those...

1 min read

Learning in lockdown: use crisis to develop new skills

I always have my best ideas on a plane. It's not great in lockdown, I'll admit, but there's something about putting myself in a different situation...

1 min read

How to deal with all that pesky sh*t in your life

Don't let trivial shit hijack your potential for a brilliant life. It's one thing to get clear on your most important priorities and zero in on your...

1 min read

Get problems you're proud of

Problems are like cockroaches and glitter - they'll always be there, even after the apocalypse. Solve these, and you'll get new ones. Also, your...

2 min read

An existential crisis about books, mortality and David Bowie

Two weeks ago, I had an existential crisis. I’d just finished reading Mary Karr’s The Art of Memoir (10/10, would recommend), which closes with a...

4 min read

Why your team needs a meeting policy - and what to include

Take charge of your conversations I'm a big fan of individuals taking charge of the meetings they're in. In fact, I'd love to banish boring and...

3 min read

Creativity, strategy and magic

I’ve spent my life in a quiet awe of musicians and creative people. People that seem to be able to create beauty out of nowhere. What an incredible...

2 min read

My top leadership reads 2021

I love to read - ever since I was a kid, I’ve spent as much of my free time as possible engrossed in a book. Childhood me would be pretty stoked I...

4 min read

Tell, don't sell: how to get what you want at work

I had a great conversation with an IT leader in Australia this week. She was doing good work, but she was feeling increasingly frustrated by people...

3 min read

I thought i lost my why

Over the last couple of months, I've had a hell of a time. In short: a trusted advisor and financial influence in my business turned out to be a...

8 min read

Time management for consultants - (and everyone else!)

The life of a self-employed professional (SEP) is a busy one. When running a one or two-person business, there's no shortage of tasks but few people...

7 min read

Learn from your mistakes: make the most of failure

Everybody makes mistakes, but only some people know how to use them to get better. If you've made a mistake this week, that's great. It means you're...

2 min read

Good decisions

When COVID hit, many of us experienced – and are still experiencing – serious financial uncertainty. Businesses lost revenue, people lost jobs, and...

5 min read

Find your why journey update #1

I recently sent out a Wednesday Wisdom about a traumatic time I've experienced in my personal life and business.