2 min read
How to ask bigger questions
Most meetings and workshops are a waste of time. They're full of people resolving trivial issues that could be handled by email or delegation with...
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2 min read
Most meetings and workshops are a waste of time. They're full of people resolving trivial issues that could be handled by email or delegation with...
3 min read
On Sunday, I got busy organising and optimising for a packed week. Between school runs, home maintenance disasters, travel and work, I knew I was in...
2 min read
Have you ever had one of those ‘practice what you preach’ moments? Where you realise you need to walk the talk to have any impact? I have those...
1 min read
I always have my best ideas on a plane. It's not great in lockdown, I'll admit, but there's something about putting myself in a different situation...
1 min read
Don't let trivial shit hijack your potential for a brilliant life. It's one thing to get clear on your most important priorities and zero in on your...
1 min read
Problems are like cockroaches and glitter - they'll always be there, even after the apocalypse. Solve these, and you'll get new ones. Also, your...
4 min read
Take charge of your conversations I'm a big fan of individuals taking charge of the meetings they're in. In fact, I'd love to banish boring and...
3 min read
I’ve spent my life in a quiet awe of musicians and creative people. People that seem to be able to create beauty out of nowhere. What an incredible...
4 min read
I had a great conversation with an IT leader in Australia this week. She was doing good work, but she was feeling increasingly frustrated by people...
2 min read
When COVID hit, many of us experienced – and are still experiencing – serious financial uncertainty. Businesses lost revenue, people lost jobs, and...
3 min read
Did you ever have career counselling at school? The first question you were asked was probably something like "what are you good at?" or 'what are...
2 min read
Welcome to another Wednesday Wisdom, Friend. Every week, I share with you what I'm thinking about life, work, and leadership. This week we're talking...
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I read this little anecdote by Donald Miller a few years ago, and it’s always stayed with me:
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How much time do you spend thinking about the future? How far out are you thinking? An interesting study on mental time travel1, discovered that, on...
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Have you ever heard that cliché about the janitor at NASA? You know, the guy who knew his job was putting astronauts on the moon? Like most...
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In May 2015, a Time magazine headline captured global attention: ‘You Now Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish!’
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My middle child is a bit of a sage. Since she was little, she’s habitually said profound things that make you look at her sideways. In the way that...
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ATMs and Strategy When ATMs were first rolled out, economists, politicians, and the media panicked. Automation was to rob bank tellers of their jobs!...
1 min read
1. Clarity is the product of confusion. You don't understand what really matters until you've been distracted by the things that don't. You don't...
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It's conference season, and I've been a busy girl the last few weeks, hitting stages on both sides of the Tasman.
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This newsletter is brought to you by Not An MBA, the accelerated executive leadership programme that transforms your life and work in just eight...
2 min read
With parenting, it’s what we do that counts, not what we say. When my two eldest girls reached 7 and 11, I decided to institute a more formal...
1 min read
Making your thinking meaningful to others is one of the most important steps in driving new behaviours. A bit like election promises, strategy and...