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2 min read

Fast decisions in uncertain times

When our future is uncertain and our workload is high, we need leaders who can make big decisions fast. As we start the COVID leadership autopsies...

4 min read

Public sector leadership in quiet times: readiness

I wrote a Wednesday Wisdom last week, that I had to do an emergency withdrawal for on Tuesday night, after the Prime Minister’s COVID announcement. I...

5 min read

Boundaries, burnout, business and #bigrantenergy

I've been ranting my wee head off lately, and it's been an utter delight. I'm trying to channel that energy into pushing as much helpful goodness as...

2 min read

Treat yourself how you treat others

FREE GET YOUR SH*T TOGETHER WORKBOOK One of the nicest things about lockdown was the feeling that you could relax a little. Be yourself. Let a few...