Alicia McKay Blog

Pick your path: stress, guilt, fear

Written by Alicia McKay | Mar 19, 2024 11:00:00 AM

What problems are you battling with right now? If it's one of these three things, I have some useful stuff that might help.

  1. Managing stress
  2. Battling guilt
  3. Overcoming fear

(But if it's setting boundaries, making hard decisions, or channelling focus, check out last week's post.)

Managing stress

Stress is the modern condition. My right eye keeps twitching.

Battling guilt

Guilt is such an unhelpful feeling, isn't it? It's like: you did your best, but that's still a problem, so you're a bad person anyway. Ugh.

Here's a couple of relevant articles:

Or skip the reading and go straight to this kick-ass workbook - it's a killer resource for smashing guilt, stress, distraction, and all kinds of other annoying feelings.

Overcoming fear

Being a person is scary and hard. Fear is a nightmare because it's not even real. It's just an imaginary worry that you can't even fight in the real world. 

Here are a few articles you might find useful:

Actually, I just got halfway through writing this Wednesday Wisdom, and then decided we needed a whole article on this topic itself.

Here you are. Try this.

I hope that helps with your problems this week!

Til next week,