1 min read

Get problems you're proud of

Problems are like cockroaches and glitter - they'll always be there, even after the apocalypse. Solve these, and you'll get new ones. Also, your solutions will create problems you didn't foresee. Fun, eh?

But not all problems are created equally.

While we can't aim for a problem-free life, we can pay attention to the quality of our problems. If we cultivate problems we're proud of, they feel more like privileges.

We want problems that 3-Years-Ago-You, 5-Years-Ago-You, and 10-Years-Ago-You would be impressed by.

Problems worth solving.
Problems worth being frustrated by.
Problems worth sacrificing for.

Most of the problems I complain about are:

a) Entirely the result of my own choices

b) Actually a sign of progress and privilege.

Travelling for work, feeling overwhelmed with clients, juggling my children's activities and needs, paying my bills, and doing my housework are all things I chose on purpose. They're all signs of how my life is a wonderful manifestation of everything I ever wanted.

Yours probably are too.

If you don't like your problems, get better ones.

If you already have good ones, but you forgot, this is your gentle reminder.

Til next week.,