1 min read

Grace Fox, Operations Manager at Haines Attract


Grace enrolled in naMBA for the learning - but it was the people who had the biggest impact - and she’s taking those relationships into the future.

Clear direction and accountability

Grace Fox, Operations Manager at recruitment company Haines Attract, knew she wanted to level up - but she was struggling to find the right option for her. Enter: Not An MBA.

“Before I started the course I knew where I wanted to improve, I just didn't know where I was going to do it, and who I was going to do it with.” I feel like I've found a group of people who have all been inspired by Alicia, the stuff she's taught us is amazing! I feel like I belong somewhere, and I will stay connected with this group. We’ll be able to bounce ideas off each other, and hold ourselves accountable to what we’ve learned. I’m excited!”

Hear Grace’s story here:

Inject energy into your career

Grace is clear about who should consider Not An MBA for their development:

“Not an MBA is a course for people who are wanting to get a bit of energy injected into their careers and into their lives, and really want to turn into the agent of how. People who want to question things and continue to grow and develop. I loved doing it because it made me think about myself and it made me really reflect on who I am, what I've learned over this course, what I want to be moving forward, and how I can inspire people.”

Hear Grace talk about her experience in this short clip: