1 min read

Arie Hutflesz, Contractor at Ministry of Justice

Not An MBA is a refreshing change for people who’ve had their fair share of professional development: no lectures, classroom time, or tedious theory. Instead, we’re all about interaction, learning and application. Arie Hutflesz, a contractor at the Ministry of Justice, is enthusiastic when she describes what a refreshing change naMBA was for her.

Not your traditional learning!

“It's been such a different journey from more traditional courses, where you sit in a classroom and get talked at. This was a really engaging, authentic process. It’s transformational, in a real sense. You see that in others, you hear it from others… it’s awesome. It's a phenomenal thing to be part of.”

Sharing knowledge is powerful

At naMBA, we believe in sharing what we know. We share our experiences, successes, and failures - and we take our learning out into the world and share it with others. Arie agrees.

“Knowledge is power, right? Too often we sit with something, protecting our secret. I don’t think Not An MBA should be the secret. I think it should be shared widely and often.”

Alicia McKay lives and breathes this methodology, which Arie appreciated.

“I love the fact that she's normal and doesn't over-formalise things. She’s unashamedly complimentary to people she's met, things she's learned, different views. It’s not all about her.”


Invest in yourself

Reflecting on her time at Not An MBA, Arie is grateful that she chose to invest in herself and her development. The inspiration and connection she gained on her journey have been just the pick-me-up she needed.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to meet fantastic new people. I have made some new friendships. I am grateful for the opportunity to re-learn, and appreciate that there are always different ways to do things. I'm grateful that I invested the time in myself for this course. I am grateful for Alicia sharing herself, unashamedly so, and authentically so. I'm grateful she did that, because for me, as a female leader, it’s powerful.”

Hear Arie’s story below: