1 min read

The consequences of your commitment

Are you struggling to make progress on the most important things to you?

Chances are, you're not living in alignment with your priorities.

You might say what is most important in your life, but would an objective observer watching you go about your day reach the same conclusion?

Unless you're making trade-offs that channel your time, energy, attention and money into your priorities and away from competing demands, they aren't your priorities. They're hopes and wishes.

Whether you want to land your dream job, launch your business, run a marathon, write a book, have a family, buy a house, find your soulmate, or go on your big adventure, you'll have to say no to the second-order temptations that will send you off-track. 

Promise yourself to every path and you'll fail to travel any of them meaningfully. 

You probably know what you need to do. It's not clarity you need, but the courage to live with the consequences of your commitment.

...Oh, and face the naked limitations of your abilities with nothing else to blame or hide behind.

Coming to terms with the prospect that you might do everything you possibly can and still be found wanting is scary. It's also the price of entry for achieving things that matter.


Til next week,