1 min read

Connect, don't control: turning strategy into action

There are four reasons why strategy implementation is so difficult: we get stuck on details, work in silos, go too slow and are scared of the consequences of our own decisions. Instead of thinking in systems and mobilising others, we get trapped in the minutiae and question everything we've done to this point. Here's what to do instead.

Connect, don't control

Switching from strategic planning to project planning too quickly will lock your brakes.

Our brains aren't designed to swing between the big picture and the details - but that's exactly what we try to do with strategy implementation. When you've stretched your minds, thoughts, and perspectives creatively and far into the future, the prospect of getting back into the details can be overwhelming.

There are so many potential options that we find ourselves in paralysis-by-analysis, spinning our wheels. The good news is: you don't need to get into the details! If you're the leader who's designed the strategy, the person who's been doing the contextual, long-term planning, assume that you are not best placed to make decisions about operational details.

Instead of getting trapped there, focus on connection and communication.

Here's what to do instead of trying to write multi-column tables and plans:

  • Talk about your strategy to operational and supervisory staff.
  • Ask them questions about what it means to them.
  • Check that it all makes sense and resonates.
  • Ask them what stuff will get in the way.
  • Change that stuff.
  • Ask them again.

For a comprehensive conversation about implementation, watch this video.