4 minute low-down: what "strategy" is

4 minute low-down: what


Here's a 4-minute strategy breakdown from a recorded webinar - what and how strategy works. If four minutes is too long, here's the sub-100-word summary.

Strategy is how we choose to achieve our goals. It has three main bits: the why, how, and what. 

  • Why (long-term focus, aspirational). In short, your goals and direction.
  • How (medium-term focus intentional in nature). In short, your priorities and decision criteria.
  • What (short-term focus, operational). In short, your choices and actions.

When in doubt, get clearer on your 'how'. When you narrow your priorities and clarify your decision criteria, you make more focused choices at the 'what' level, which generates progress toward your 'why'. 


Til next week,


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