Hi, I'm on holiday and don't have much time, so here is a quick serve:
If your screen time is more than two hours a day, get your shit together.
You're an adult who controls your time and attention; you can escape the glowing prison.
Leave the phone out of your bedroom, turn it off when you're with people you care about, and take your life back.
You aren't so important that you must be contactable and responsive for more than a couple of hours each day. What are you doing, saving the world? Give your inbox a rest and get off social media; it's rotting your brain and making you stupid.
You have plenty of time to read, paint, renovate, call your family, make nice meals, and exercise, but you have forgotten it isn't normal to spend hours gazing at screens of varying sizes like a slack-jawed zombie.
Put your bloody phone down.
Til next week,