Case Studies

Nathan Smith, Group Manager: Security at Nurse Call Solutions

Written by Alicia McKay | Feb 11, 2022 5:42:00 AM

Nathan Smith had been following Alicia McKay for years when Not An MBA came to his attention. With a passion for upskilling, he was drawn to the opportunity for challenge that naMBA offered - and he wasn’t disappointed, seeing growth every week.

Drawn to the challenge

It was challenging! But I never felt pressured. It was great, a really well-paced course. I loved the curriculum and I love how it moves from week to week. There were a couple of times where I would complete an assignment and then after the next week, I’d want to go back and do it again! Not because I thought I did a bad job, but that little bit of added time and seeing other people’s ideas kept building. You’re constantly learning, week to week.”

The human factor

Like many Not An MBA students, Nathan came for the learning but stayed for the community. In the video below, Nathan describes his gratitude for the human connection that Not An MBA brought to his life and leadership.

“I’m really grateful for the human aspect of it. The understanding from others, when you're explaining your situation and how you're dealing with it, and the sense that everybody wants to help. Even though some of the people have had a lot of experience in a large corporate environment, they still come into the same roadblocks and issues - if anything, they’re amplified.

It was refreshing for me to know that I’m not the only one, and it doesn’t matter what business you’re in, there’s always going to be those hurdles. It was humbling to see the different perspectives and how to deal with those situations from other people here. It's been very empowering, and well worth it.

Real changes

Not An MBA teaches students how to learn through teaching, encouraging students to empower others with everything they learn along the way

“The course really taught me how to take what i've learned and rub it off onto other people. I’ve got an opportunity here to do that, and do it in the right way. Ask questions when I think they need to be asked. It’s been quite empowering really, and I want to empower other people.

He also took huge value in learning a new approach to delegating and managing his time and energy more effectively.

“Learning to say no is a big thing for me.”

Hear more from Nathan below: